Charm City Ghostbusters Members
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Charm City Ghostbusters Executive Board
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In Memory of David Ward
We lost David August 13, 2018 when he succumbed and took his life. He was a soulmate, musician, a loyal friend, loving brother, a mystical storyteller, a magician, and the most compassionate person you could ever meet. David was handsome, a kind soul, a smart wit, a supporter of women’s rights, and an ally to equal rights. He was creative, charming, thoughtful and supportive. David loved to cosplay. He was Han Solo, a Ghostbuster, Doctor Who, and Indiana Jones. He loved animals (the vulture was his favorite bird), Silvia Plath, sharks, Salem, nerf gun battles, a pop of bubbly, and enthralling conversations. Not a day goes by that we don’t think of David. He is loved and missed by so many. We hope that the word spreads that there are resources available for those who struggle, so that we never have to lose a David again. There is a light through all the dark. You are not alone.
“Never be Cruel, never be Cowardly, Hate is Always Foolish, and love is always wise. Always try to be nice, but never fail to be kind, laugh hard, run fast, be kind. Doctor… I let you go”